Physical Education

PE Superheroes

Welcomes to Smith Elementary Physical Education
P.E. Superheroes in Training

  As your Physical Education teachers, our goal is to give your child the superpower of a physically literate individual who expresses knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

Students will develop knowledge, skills, and confidence in these 5 Tennessee Standard-Based components of Physical Education:

  1. Motor skills

  2. Movement knowledge and application

  3. Fitness and physical activity

  4. Personal and social responsibility

  5. Values of physical activity

Physical Education vs. Physical Activity  

School physical education programs offer the best opportunity to provide physical activity to all children and to TEACH them the skills and knowledge needed to establish and sustain an active lifestyle. Physical education teachers assess student knowledge, motor and social skills, and provide instruction in a safe, supportive environment.

Physical activity is bodily movement of any type and may include recreational, fitness and sport activities such as jumping rope, playing soccer, lifting weights, as well as daily activities such as walking to the store, taking the stairs or raking the leaves. (SHAPE America)

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